Skylanders: Lost Islands Wikia
Fire Cupid Flameslinger Fire
Species: Elf
Gender: Male
Price: 1500 Gems
Element: Fire
Type: Alter Ego
Month: February 2013

Cupid Flameslinger is a Valentine's Day version of Flameslinger and the Alter Ego of February 2013.


From: Your Secret Admirerer[]

"Roses are reds, violets are blue, too many Sheep and Trolls keep me from you!"

Mission: Clear Sheep Mobs and Troll Camps.


  • Use Cupid Flameslinger to clear Troll Camps (2)
  • Use Cupid Flameslinger to clear Sheep Mobs (2)

Goal Reward: 1 Gem & 200 Hero Points

"Tulips are pink, lilies are white, I'm glad those Trolls are gone. They don't like the romance of love poetry. Sheep tend to prefer limericks."

On Wings of Love[]

"Trolls deserve love, too, I think. I have love notes here from he-Trolls and she-Trolls to one another. I shall deliver these notes and arrows of love to each Troll I see from the balloon above."

Mission: Go on Adventures.


  • Send Cupid Flameslinger to Volcanic Vault (2)
  • Send Cupid Flameslinger to Lava Lakes Railway (2)

Goal Reward: 1 Gem & 500 Hero Points

"Trolls in love will be less of a threat, but what matters to me is that I get to deliver love to everyone!"

A Love of My Own[]

"I've pricked my finger on my own arrow! I will search high and low for my own love connection."

Mission: Decorate and go on Adventures .


  • Have Fire Markers, Shrines or Sculptures (4)
  • Send Cupid Flameslinger to Arkeyan Armony

Goal Reward: 1 Gem, 1000 Hero Points & 1000 Gold

"Rats. All I saw were grumpy, grumbley Trolls and cold, heartless robots. The search continues!"
